Category: scala

  • Code4life is 100% Free Roche Software Conference. Invited speaker guests were: Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, Greg Young, Dino Esposito.

    Adam Waltman from Roch Poland gave an interesting welcome speech, I could comprehend about internal IT Roche structure, and that price of sequencing DNA dropped from 100 mln $ since 2001 to 1k $ now (2015) and continuing that reduction in price. Basically sequenced DNA is a 3 GB file. Scientists do parental test comparing DNA of parent and a child. Except that they can give more precise predictions to inclinations of illnesses like cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Would you like to give this information to insurance companies for free?

    In Dr. Venkat’s talk “The art of simplicity”, he pointed too much complexity around in our industry out. It’s hard not to agree with him. Dr. Venkat. He cited a talk of two interns after completing internship: “Dude, that company was awesome, I didn’t understand any line of code there”. What obviously is bad, bad practise. How expensive is that code to maintain in terms of time and recruitment (only the brave ones)? How fast can you find/fix a bug in that code? How big is bus factor? How big would rotation be in dev/ops teams then? Presentation included nice quotes: (more…)

  • Principles of Reactive Programming

    This year I’ve attended Principles of Reactive Programming course. It wasn’t easy one, at least for me.

    I mean, first two weeks driven by Martin were clear and straightforward. Even first Erik’s week about Future was approachable. The rest -rxScala with it’s Observables and actor model with Akka was rather hard and required a lot of work. My conclusion: akka isn’t easy concept (contrary to all akka guides saying it is) maybe it’s easier to debug when things go bad comparing to standard java locking/synchronisation model but for designing it requires a lot of time and hard work to acquire that way of thinking.
    Except videos on course pages I red other helpful materials like:

    1. Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala book by Aleksandar Prokopec
    2. The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala

    and two cheet sheets dedicated for this course

    1. by sjuvekar
    2. by dnvriend

    And good akka tutorials

    1. Concurrency and Fault Tolerance Made Easy: An Akka Tutorial with Examples by Diego Castorina
    2. Reactive twitter app with akka by Jan Machacek
    3. Implementing the Reactive Manifesto with Akka by Adam Warski – video

    Maybe someday that materials would help you.