Tag: e-mail

  • First profit of my blog :)

    Here is a thanking e-mail I’ve got (that made me really happy and gave a good karma):

    Hello Jan,
    Regard http://www.jankowalski.pl/category/glassfish-2, I wish to thank you deeply for your explanations how you worked out the JB cache under Glassfish.

    I have been spending hours just looking and trying several cache solutions. Finally the JB cache seemed promising, except all docs seemed made for the JB AS only. I was really on the point to give it up and either look for , again, another cache solution or , after all, start from scratch and write my own.

    At that point I started to think about, if I was to write my own, I may use the servlet context to handle some kind of pointer to the cache. That is while looking for that I finally find your page, and thank you Jan, the information you gave I tried and it worked directly for me.

    Thank you thank you thank you. Your idea of using the naming way in context and the code example made things crystal clear.

    This should bring you good karma :)

    Best regards,

    Fabrice Duche