Tag: gae

  • Run JSF2 on GAE

    I tried to run JSF2 app on GAE but I with no success. I had a problem with JSF 2 is using “javax.naming.InitialContext” that’s not support in GAE. I left this topic and after a while found solution for this issue at MKyong blog

    You need to overload WebConfiguration.java that is a JSF configuration class. Amazing!

  • Google I/O 2011 Wow

    Obviously I was interested in Google Developer Tools (GWT + GAE). Next section I am interested in is Android but still I’ve little time to watch those videos. I think that those new patterns from google for GWT coding doesn’t making it easier and faster coding. I am coding new app right now for data management and there are tough moments.


    Google I/O is such an AWESOME event that is brings you many, many knowledge and patterns to think about and practise for all fallowing year.