• I like to read techcrunch.com the post very often and very very interesting things and ideas to follow. One of them I got after reading the article about drons. After that article I typed in google “how to build a drones” and found very interesting tutorials: diydrones.com and aeroquad.com from another TechCrunch article. I found…

  • I’ve already mentioned about that project. We used great library for it it’s called TinyRadius. In the sources you get extra example codes of TestClient and TestServer implementation. That is really helpful. The project is written using Netbeans and Maven tools. That is really comfortable. You just got your pom.xml and it does care about…

  • Hi, lately I wrote about radius project. It’s already done. Now we are testing. But in a meantime I just want to mark one thing about sending jms message to remote server. All you need to do is to set “addresslist” property in QueueConnectionFactory on local machine and of course create comparable QueueConnectionFactory on remote.…

  • Here is a thanking e-mail I’ve got (that made me really happy and gave a good karma): Hello Jan, Regard http://www.jankowalski.pl/category/glassfish-2, I wish to thank you deeply for your explanations how you worked out the JB cache under Glassfish. I have been spending hours just looking and trying several cache solutions. Finally the JB cache…

  • Radius protocol is some sort of radio channel to authorize. We are going right now to implement authorization system with using token sms and bind to ldap active directory. :) We found tinyradius library online.