ETL plugin for openESB for small data migration project is awesome. I don’t know how would it work for small data warehouse issue where you get 4 gb of data daily. Maybe fine. But for other small migration project it does the job just fine and first of all it’s amazingly easy to setup. I… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: November 2010
myBatis fine links
I found two fine links to mybatis configurations and examples: Initializing MyBatis on Application Startup using a ServletContextListener Beginning MyBatis 3
WarsawJUG: Clojure, REPL, Eclipse CCW, Eclipse Mylyn
Two days ago I was participating a WarsawJUG meeting. Jacek Laskowski was speaking about clojure and some other amazing technologies he has learned while dealing with clojure and eclipse. (finally there was a guy that uses netbeans and claims that it worth something, most of the auditorium is eclipse, idea, spring coders – I predict… Read more »
Business Component Development with EJB Technology
I’ve found in our office material from SUN course called The Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 5 (SL-351-EE5). After quick preview I know there is auction application implemented as a tutorial and there is whole business use cases description and UML: domain objects, persistence diagrams and implementation model. I am familiar with… Read more »
Log4j stopped logging on Glassfish
I use log4j library for confirmation what is being send to db server by my EJB code. Everything was working fine till one day. It simply stopped logging. (it turned out that I’ve used somehow newer version of log4j in my project, I’ve changed pointer in Libraries in Netbeans). I’ve created a new domain on… Read more »