Hi, I found a new page about openESB (except openesb-dev.org)
I’ve also signed up to report some bugs in 2.3 version:
- http://jira.openesb-dev.org/
And saw this project on github
Hi, I found a new page about openESB (except openesb-dev.org)
I’ve also signed up to report some bugs in 2.3 version:
And saw this project on github
I’ve found two places where you can download the latest SUN’s Glassfish ESB build from 2009.
I’ve also found amazing tutorial by Michale Czapski – how to install this from CLI and default configuration xml file for instalation. (more…)
Here you can download the newest build of openesb
I wrote an composite application with webservice as entrance endpoint for client system. When I was previewing the wsdl file I’ve notice there is only host name without full domain name(as it is in DNS servers) give in schema location and webservice endpoint. That was obviously wrong, because client would not be able to resolve those adresses. I remember I had this issue one in the past. After a talk with my friend I’ve decided to search resolution with operation system Solaris 10 then with application server.
The resolution of this problem is easy and strange. Maybe because Glassfish is very sensitive?
That fixed my problem. I hope it won’t break anything else. I suppose only glassfish is so strict about the names of hostname.
We tested the openESB 2.3 for linux and it made us go back to Sun’s release of this amazing tool. openESB is not perfect yet. I have problems with viewing debry db (I know this not esb issue but still it fails) and friend of mine had to install JBI plugins by hand… so that was serious fail. Another friend of mine said that on mac everything works like harm. I believe him. I know it is hard to find download page with this software so I will provide a link here :) Download GlasshFish ESB 2.2