Obviously I was interested in Google Developer Tools (GWT + GAE). Next section I am interested in is Android but still I’ve little time to watch those videos. I think that those new patterns from google for GWT coding doesn’t making it easier and faster coding. I am coding new app right now for data management and there are tough moments.


Google I/O is such an AWESOME event that is brings you many, many knowledge and patterns to think about and practise for all fallowing year.


  • I found very pleasend Mercurial tutorial it is hginit.com. Easily takes you into mercurial – better svn world.
  • Another thing I was looking for was something like github.com for mercurial. And I’ve found one and it hav up to 5 free private repositories and it’s free sponsored by Atlassian it’s called bitbucket.org. I recommend also.


GWT 2.3 was released on May 2, 2011 a few days before Google I/O — May 10. Without doubt there would be some talk about news in GWT. I am curious if GWT RPC XSRF protection is really securing rpc connections. I will try it out.
I participate a few important projects for my company and see there is just mess in my versions and code while working with subversion that is why I am looking for something better — DISTRIBUTED VERSION CONTROL. I’ve already installed EGIT for my eclipse. (I’ve been on a meeting with one developer of it Darius Luksza — nice tool btw) and it impressed me. As I work more with netbeans I found there in options a panel for mercurial. I know that people in polidea.pl are using it. As they are impressing iPhone, Android developers having lights with their jenkings/hudson status projects in office I believe they know what are doing and they became some kind of gurus to me. So I will follow them too. Here are two fine tuts with getting started with mercurial. Using Mercurial to work with NetBeans Sources in the IDE, and Mercurial User Guide. Except anything else I hope this will make my work more comfortable and will bring some order in the code.


We tested the openESB 2.3 for linux and it made us go back to Sun’s release of this amazing tool. openESB is not perfect yet. I have problems with viewing debry db (I know this not esb issue but still it fails) and friend of mine had to install JBI plugins by hand… so that was serious fail. Another friend of mine said that on mac everything works like harm. I believe him. I know it is hard to find download page with this software so I will provide a link here :) Download GlasshFish ESB 2.2


Hi, I just want to notice that I have solution for this tutorial Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app and if you want me to send it to you please provide me your email and I will invite you to dropbox where you will find it :D (this is my way to get some extra dropbox space). So come on and contact me.

Another thing is this tutorial is quite old and there been some decent changes made in GWT like MVP + activities, places, even we could add dependency injection or exchange RPC with ReuqestFactory. — The two last steps are not necessary with such a small app. I will try to convert this simple app into MVP + activities, places, token history pattern and of course I will put it on dropbox. So come on and contact me.ATTENTION: I will send you that code but I want you sign up to dropbox thru my ref link :)

ATTENTION2: App can be seen online on AppEngine infrastructure. http://blogcommen.appspot.com/

ATTENTION3: Check out my post called “Git repo for Solution for Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app” I put there a path to github with that sample code.Enjoy. 
