Solution for Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app

Hi, I just want to notice that I have solution for this tutorial Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app and if you want me to send it to you please provide me your email and I will invite you to dropbox where you will find it :D (this is my way to get some extra dropbox space). So come on and contact me.

Another thing is this tutorial is quite old and there been some decent changes made in GWT like MVP + activities, places, even we could add dependency injection or exchange RPC with ReuqestFactory. — The two last steps are not necessary with such a small app. I will try to convert this simple app into MVP + activities, places, token history pattern and of course I will put it on dropbox. So come on and contact me.ATTENTION: I will send you that code but I want you sign up to dropbox thru my ref link :)

ATTENTION2: App can be seen online on AppEngine infrastructure.

ATTENTION3: Check out my post called “Git repo for Solution for Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app” I put there a path to github with that sample code.Enjoy.