• Hello, I’ve accomplished python online course for mongodb developers! That was really a greate course. Every lecutre was clearly explained. I truly recommend this one! I’ve deployed the blog app we were writing during the course. It’s coded in python with micro-framework bottle and mongodb as a storage. Fantastic stack of technology.

  • I had a problem to configure an h2 mem instace in mysql mode for our unit and semi-integrational tests. I’ve expirienced “no *public* schema” exception. And found simple solution for that on stackoverflow.com Schema related problems with Flyway / Spring and H2 embedded database To remember: The schema name in the init script should be…

  • Kuba korzysta z super fajnych aliasów w gicie :) polecam [color] ui = auto [color “branch”] current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color “diff”] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color “status”] added = yellow changed = green untracked = cyan…

  • I might have forget to mention that my job is AWESOME. I work here since 3 months now and I still feel this amazing atmosphere. Dudes around are passionate. We communicate and the jargon is known for us (mvn, js, deploy, push, unit test, bump, node). I felt in love with python, mongo, bottle micro-framework…

  • What will your distro print out after providing below lines seperatly? MINUTES=`echo “014”`; echo “$(($MINUTES))” SECONDS=`echo “014”`; echo “$(($SECONDS))” MILISECONDS=`echo “014”`; echo “$(($MILISECONDS))” Mine Ubuntu (and my friend’s Debian) behaves really strange. It seems that SECONDS is special bash keyword.