Tag: confitura

  • Polish Developer conferences

    This year – 2014 I had an opportunity to attend a few polish java related conference like: geecon.org, confitura.pl and warsjawa workshops.

    From geecon I remember amazing talk but guys from plumbr.eu (amazing tools btw. I will definitely give it a try after I end with newrelic) – there are many videos on vimeo from this one. Although confitura was professionally organised as always I really don’t remember anything?

    The best of all was the first day of warsjawa workshops. I’ve attended botsh Venkat Subramaniam’s workshop about concurrency (actors, stm – amazing book of Venkat) and groovy metaprograming. He is amazing. His voice is clear, he is being understood, he doesn’t mumble and he explains every detail. I could listen to his audiobooks recorded by himself.

    This year I’ve also been on atmosphere conference organised by my previous employer. As I like people working there this conference this year was unfortunately unsuccessful. (I won entrance ticket on geecon). The tickets in normal order were too expensive ( 250 euro ) and talks were less professional comparing to geecon’s (except the guy from prezi about theirs continuos delivery).


  • Confitura 2012

    Krótko: Było zajebiście! Super Turbo Profesjonalnie! Uznanie dla

    • Kapituły!

    Confiturę porównuję do Geecon 2012. Tam pewnie było ok. 1400 osób tutaj 850, tam konferencja kilkudniowa o charakterze międzynarodowym(j. ang all), tutaj jednodniowa, lokalna i bezpłatna dla słuchaczy. Jednak mam wrażenie, że udało się pozyskać tych samych sponsorów co jest super sukcesem :] (more…)