Hi, I found a new page about openESB (except openesb-dev.org) http://www.open-esb.net/ I’ve also signed up to report some bugs in 2.3 version: http://jira.openesb-dev.org/ And saw this project on github https://github.com/OpenESB
Posts Tagged: openESB 2.3
OpenESB 2.3
A friend of mine told me where to find the freshest copy of openESB. (the last website open-esb.java.net is redirecting kenai clean page) It seem to be the first version of openESB compiled by community and not by Sun/Oracle guys. http://hudson.openesb-dev.org:8080/hudson/view/v2.3Integration/job/installer-v2.3/ is the source of binaries and other projects files. OpenESB community Good to know… Read more »