Hi, I found a new page about openESB (except openesb-dev.org)
I’ve also signed up to report some bugs in 2.3 version:
- http://jira.openesb-dev.org/
And saw this project on github
Hi, I found a new page about openESB (except openesb-dev.org)
I’ve also signed up to report some bugs in 2.3 version:
And saw this project on github
I run Windows, mostly because some of mine tools are mainly for windows and their linux version are not primary tested by it’s producers. I wanted to have linux console so I tried with cygwin. With this one I am like a gold fish with shor memory. I install it, using till some point, get annoyed and throw it away. This history repeats over and over. Read more »
Krótko: Było zajebiście! Super Turbo Profesjonalnie! Uznanie dla
Confiturę porównuję do Geecon 2012. Tam pewnie było ok. 1400 osób tutaj 850, tam konferencja kilkudniowa o charakterze międzynarodowym(j. ang all), tutaj jednodniowa, lokalna i bezpłatna dla słuchaczy. Jednak mam wrażenie, że udało się pozyskać tych samych sponsorów co jest super sukcesem :] Read more »
Paper arrived Read more »
I had problem with sorting CellTable using async data provider. Here is an amazing solution of this issue.