We tested the openESB 2.3 for linux and it made us go back to Sun’s release of this amazing tool. openESB is not perfect yet. I have problems with viewing debry db (I know this not esb issue but still it fails) and friend of mine had to install JBI plugins by hand… so that… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: April 2011
Solution for Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app
Hi, I just want to notice that I have solution for this tutorial Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app and if you want me to send it to you please provide me your email and I will invite you to dropbox where you will find it :D (this is my… Read more »
GWT MVP Development with Activities and Places
There is amazing tutorial for MVP on Google pages it is called: GWT MVP Development with Activities and Places. There is also zip file with code to download. I use Linux Mint, Eclipse 3.6 Helios and GWT 2.2 and those files could not be easily imported into my workspace. That is why I took those… Read more »