This year I’ve attended Principles of Reactive Programming course. It wasn’t easy one, at least for me.
I mean, first two weeks driven by Martin were clear and straightforward. Even first Erik’s week about Future was approachable. The rest -rxScala with it’s Observables and actor model with Akka was rather hard and required a lot of work. My conclusion: akka isn’t easy concept (contrary to all akka guides saying it is) maybe it’s easier to debug when things go bad comparing to standard java locking/synchronisation model but for designing it requires a lot of time and hard work to acquire that way of thinking.
Except videos on course pages I red other helpful materials like:
and two cheet sheets dedicated for this course
And good akka tutorials
- Concurrency and Fault Tolerance Made Easy: An Akka Tutorial with Examples by Diego Castorina
- Reactive twitter app with akka by Jan Machacek
- Implementing the Reactive Manifesto with Akka by Adam Warski – video
Maybe someday that materials would help you.